Lumia – Multipurpose Shopify Theme OS 2.0 – Multilanguage – RTL Support

We are glad to present you our the most perfect Shopify 2.0 theme, which supports Sections Everywhere with high metric scores by Google page speed insight. This is the most mobile-oriented theme that will be convenient on any of your devices.
General Features
3D Variants Ready
Additional Product Options – new
Advanced Faq
Auto Renew Countdown
Banners Synchronized With Products
Сaching Everything
Cart Product Edit On The Fly – new
Checkout Order Note
Dark / Light Mode Toggler – new
Extended Products Filter
Extended Search
Free Shipping
Frequently Bought Together – new
Images Aspect Ratio
Infinite Blog Posts
Infinite Collection Products
Infinite Products On The Product Page
Mobile Convenient Interface
Objects Image Hover
Previous Next
Product Subscriptions – new
Product Options
Quick Shop
Quick Vendors Filter
Recently Viewed Items – new
Sections Blocks Sort
Sections Everywhere
Shipping Calculator – new
Collection Sidebar Hide and Fixed Mode
Sticky Add To Cart
Subcollections – new
Translated Admin Panel – new
Theme Styles
User Experience
You can read more about available Lumia theme features in documentation.
Sections Everywhere Ready. Huge selection of section widgets:
Banners / Constructor
Styles on the fly
Banners / preset 1 (Cars ex. boxed 2×2)
Banners / preset 2 (Fashion ex. fullwidth 2×1)
Banners / preset 3 (Fashion ex. fullwidth 3×1 with white box)
Banners / preset 4 (Fashion ex. fullwidth 4×1 with short white box)
Banners / preset 5 (Fashion ex. fullwidth 2×1 with white box)
Banners / preset 6 (Shoes ex. fullwidth 2×1)
Banners / preset 7 (Toys ex. fullwidth 2×1+1×1)
Banners / preset 8 (Toys ex. fullwidth 2×1)
Banners / preset 9 (Bags ex. fullwidth mosaic 2+2)
Banners / preset 10 (Electronics ex. mosaic 4×1)
Banners / preset 11 (Pets ex. 4×1)
Banners / preset 12 (Nutrition ex. fullwidth 3×1)
Slideshow / Constructor
Slideshow / preset 1 Classic Style 1
Slideshow / preset 2 Classic Style 2
Slideshow / preset 3 Fullheight style 1
Slideshow / preset 4 Fullheight style 2
Slideshow / preset 5 Boxed style 1
Slideshow / preset 6 Ellipse
Slideshow / preset 7 Ellipse Fullheight style 3
Blog Posts
Blog posts / Constructor
Blog posts / preset 1 Default
Blog posts / preset 2 Modern
Blog posts / preset 3 Compact
Brands / constructor
Brands / preset Default
Brands / preset 1 (4×3 grid-carousel)
Brands / preset 2 (6×1 carousel of circles)
Brands / preset 3 (6×1 carousel of rectangles)
Brands / preset 4 (6×1 carousel of bordered circles)
Categories / Constructor
Styles on the fly
Categories / preset Big
Categories / preset Informative
Categories / preset Title inner
Categories / preset Title inner (rectangular)
Categories / preset Title inner (rectangular) fluid
Categories / preset Title under (4 in row)
Categories / preset Title under (6 in row)
Categories styled
Categories With Subcategories
Categories expanded
Categories With Subcategories + Slider
Contact Us
Contact Form / Constructor
Contact Form / preset 1 Feedback form + Map
Contact Form / preset 2 Map + Feedback form
Contact Form / preset 3 Only Feedback form
Contact Form / preset 4 Only Map
FAQ / Constructor
FAQ / preset 1 Classic tabbed
FAQ / preset 2 Full list
FAQ / preset 3 Alternate
FAQ / preset 4 Modern tabbed
FAQ / preset 5 Modern full list
Featured Product
Product single / Constructor
Product single / preset 1 Central image (Toys ex.)
Product single / preset 1 Central image reversed (Toys ex.)
Product single / preset 2 Side image (Bags ex.)
Product single / preset 2 Side image reversed (Bags ex.)
Icons With Text
Icons / constructor
Style on the fly
Icons / preset 1 Horizontal
Icons / preset 2 Vertical
Icons / preset 1 Horizontal with backgroound
Icons / preset 2 Vertical with backgroound
Image With Text
Text with image / constructor
Text with image / preset Pets
Text with image / preset Shoes
Text with image / preset Toys
Text with image / preset Cars in footer
Text with image / preset Cars in header
Text with image / preset image on the right
Text with image / preset image on the left
Instagram / Constructor
Instagram / preset 1 Grid of circles
Instagram / preset 2 Grid of squares
Instagram / preset 3 Grid of squares
Instagram / preset 4 Carousel of squares
How to get Instagram access token
Lookbook / Constructor
Lookbook/ preset 1 Fullwidth 3×1
Lookbook/ preset 2 Boxed 2×2
Lookbook/ preset 3 Boxed 3×1
Lookbook/ preset 4 Fullwidth 4×2 no space
Product Carousel With Tabs
Product Carousel
Products carousel / Constructor
Products carousel / preset 1 Default
Products carousel / preset 2 Small banner
Products carousel / preset 3 Wide banner
Products carousel / preset 4 Countdown
Products carousel / preset 5 Compact heading
Products carousel / preset 6 Carousel 2×1 with wide card
Product Grid
Products grid / Constructor
Products grid / preset Default
Products grid / preset 1 Fullwidth carousel of grids
Products grid / preset 2 Mini
Products grid / preset 3 Mini with banner
Quote With Image
Product reviews / constructor
Product reviews / preset Toys
Recently Viewed Items
Product Reviews
Product reviews / constructor
Product reviews / preset Toys
Testimonials / Constructor
Store testimonials / preset 1 Carousel
Store testimonials / preset 2 Carousel with banner
Social Media
Youtube Video
Vimeo Video
You can read more about Lumia theme sections in documentation.
Version 2.2.2 from 2023-10-26 (visual browsing)
– ADDED: Option ‘View product’ instead of ‘Add to cart’ for product cards
– ADDED: Additional navigation only for Mobile and option to divide desktop and mobile navigations
– ADDED: 3rd level navigation support for categories dropdown in header layout 2
– ADDED: Collections autoloader in all categories sections
– ADDED: Option to make collections sidebar always visible (strictly)
– ADDED: Opacity for categories section layout – Big circles
– ADDED: New advanced section Search with different presets
– ADDED: Option to show prev next products on mobile
– ADDED: Full control of product swatches design – customize as you need
– ADDED: New sticky header for header 5
– ADDED: Section lookbook – 1 per row option
– IMPROVED: Product card – Combined layout
Version 2.2.1 from 2023-10-17 (visual)
– ADDED: Full product inventory control – show/hide quantity fields in different product cards
– ADDED: Option show/hide checkout agreement (I agree with store policies) individually on the product page
– ADDED: Option individual colorization for categories sections
– ADDED: Compact sticky add to cart (auto enabling for products with only one default variant and with disabled icons in the sticky)
– ADDED: Complementary products support for frequently bought together widgets. Sync with Search & Discovery app – recommendations.
– ADDED: New Faq preset – collapsible answers
– ADDED: Option individual colorization for Single product sections

– ADDED: Frequently bought together widget is enabled by default without setup on the product page and in the cart
– IMPROVED: Section categories – layout Informative
– IMPROVED: pre-connect disabled if no Google fonts enabled
– IMPROVED: Cover image for video sections
– FIXED: Collection sidebar filter if only categories filter enabled
– FIXED: Option – Enable soft appearance of sections
Version 2.2.0 from 2023-10-08
– ADDED: Option to search only products (without info pages and blog articles)
– ADDED: Option to show/hide collection description globally
– ADDED: New planet icon + option to show icon instead of ‘Lang, Currency’ text on mobile in burger menu
– ADDED: Option for fast megamenu catalog popup loading
– ADDED: Option to disable product image zoom
– ADDED: New product card layout – Combined
– ADDED: Extended colorization control of bottom navigation on mobile
– ADDED: Collapsible answers option in the faq sections
– ADDED: Options for open search on mobile
– IMPROVED: Closed / Open state of the collection sidebar filter
– IMPROVED: Shipping calculator
– FIXED: Product crossed-out options when a product has three options
Version 2.1.9 from 2023-09-29
– ADDED: Badges support in the footer navigation
– ADDED: Options to control announcements-bar height/font-size on mobile/desktop
– ADDED: New X icon instead of old Twitter icon
– ADDED: Independent method to reload theme cart and show side popup – best solution for 3rd part apps that have add-to-cart functionality
– ADDED: Per row options for icons section
– ADDED: Image icons support for icons section
– IMPROVED: Sections Subtitle font-size control
– IMPROVED: Price template for modern product card
– IMPROVED: Sidebar categories filter
– IMPROVED: Tags filter on the product page
Version 2.1.8 from 2023-09-24
– ADDED: Autodisabling checkbox ‘I agree with store policies’ if dynamic ‘buy now’ button is disabled
– ADDED: Individual grid banners and slideshow banners captions colorization
– ADDED: Color options for product name, and product price (regular and old) on the product page
– ADDED: Promo mod – option to truncate product name
– ADDED: Option to set buttons rounding on/off (is not inherited from global rounding)
– IMPROVED: Product images cover mode
– ADDED: Slideshow autoplay speed control
– ADDED: Custom icons svg to all icons widgets
– IMPROVED: Product cards cover off mode
– IMPROVED: Ask about the product popup – added current product(variant) name and SKU information in the question automatically
– IMPROVED: Brands sections – added only Grid layout (default is the carousel of grids)
– FIXED: Bottom mobile navigation control
Version 2.1.7 from 2023-09-21
– ADDED: New 5 sections
– ADDED: New skin T-Shirts
– ADDED: Vendor products link on product page
– ADDED: Tags filtering on the product page
– ADDED: Option to show arrows for megamenu 1st level parent items
– ADDED: Option to show/hide collection grid per row interface
– ADDED: Option to paste custom SVG icons into the icons sections
– ADDED: Interface to set carousel brands grid on mobile
– ADDED: Option to show short product links without a collection name
– ADDED: Collection tags filtering from the product page
– ADDED: New section – Text with image / preset image on the right (no spaces)
– ADDED: Button add to cart height option on the product page
– ADDED: Option hide/show quantity selector in the sticky add to cart on the product page for desktop
– ADDED: Option to show megamenu catalog popup on Event: Click or Mouseover
– IMPROVED: Product page wishlist button click animation
– IMPROVED: Spanish localization for the promo products section
– IMPROVED: Product card option – Disable hover layer
– IMPROVED: Adding to cart process with disabled header mini cart
– IMPROVED: Product options color groups changing on click event
– IMPROVED: Cart page layout on mobile
– IMPROVED: Text with image sections
– FIXED: Recently viewed products – were the visible empty cards of the unavailable products
Version 2.1.6 from 2023-09-07
– collection.json template update
Version 2.1.5 from 2023-09-07
– ADDED: Ajax add to cart on product page – on/off
– ADDED: Add to wishlist button on the product page on the right side to the main add to cart buttons
– ADDED: Inner horizontal product tabs
– ADDED: Option to show/hide price ‘from’
– ADDED: Hide on mobile option for products carousel
– ADDED: Compact mode for product carousel when 1 slide per row
– IMPROVED: Subcollections
– IMPROVED: Categories grid – added links on previews
– IMPROVED: Brands carousel – increased limit for automatic loading vendors from Shopify
– IMPROVED: Products carousel – added card hover image changing when 1 product per row
– FIXED: Currency TRY
– FIXED: Product add to cart action in section Single product, Product carousel (1 per row), and lookbook
Version 2.1.4 from 2023-09-01
– ADDED: Custom payment logos
– IMPROVED: Banners mosaic grid
– IMPROVED: Address zip validation
– IMPROVED: ‘View all’ button control in sections
– IMPROVED: Brands limit extended for megamenu
– FIXED: Close/open filter in memory
– FIXED: Cart ‘quantity increased’ status
Version 2.1.3 from 2023-08-28
– ADDED: Full control of bottom mobile navigation
– IMPROVED: Pre-order
– IMPROVED: Sort by price in grid
– FIXED: Product horizontal quantity field
– FIXED: Main product image
– FIXED: SEK currency price
– FIXED: Edit line item qty
Version 2.1.1 from 2023-08-23
– ADDED: Option to show/hide taxes information under the price on the product page
– ADDED: Slider video loop option
– ADDED: Option to show/hide checkout button in the header cart
– ADDED: Icons section preset 3 – bordered
– ADDED: Header cart option – remove currency code
– ADDED: Arrows for product tabs
– IMPROVED: Mobile sticky ‘add to cart’ button adds a product to the cart if there are no product variants else scrolls to variants selection
– IMPROVED: Cover mode for product images
– IMPROVED: RTL mode for product carousel – 1 per row
– IMPROVED: Product quantity interface for soldout products
– FIXED: Show currency codes option
– FIXED: Many in-stock status colorization
– FIXED: SEK price currency
– FIXED: Gallery section when more than one
Version 2.1.0 from 2023-08-11
– ADDED: New slider section
– ADDED: New mosaic banners section
– ADDED: New products grid section with fixed banner
– ADDED: New products carousel section with 1 per row product
– ADDED: Option to show/hide catalog dropdown in mobile
– IMPROVED: Product short descriptions
Version 2.0.7 from 2023-07-31
– ADDED: Product inventory control
– IMPROVED: Shipping calculator
Version 2.0.6 from 2023-07-24
– ADDED: Get help header popup in mobile view
– IMPROVED: Recently viewed items section – enabled sold-out products
– IMPROVED: Collection product grid per row selector
– UPDATED: Cart item order
Version 2.0.5 from 2023-07-18
– ADDED: Megamenu – dropdown layout Columns – added option 2-5 per row
– ADDED: Option to hide list mode in the collection products grid
– IMPROVED: Product carousel section button description
– IMPROVED: Contact map & form section
– FIXED: Collection top featured filter on the all products page
Version 2.0.3 from 2023-07-14
– ADDED: Product page gallery cover mode
– ADDED: Gmap and WhatsApp icons to Social media section
– IMPROVED: Images quality for high store width
– IMPROVED: Mobile catalog navigation
– IMPROVED: Blog post sections
– IMPROVED: Faq section – Modern layout
– UPDATED: Shipping calculator currency to the latest requirements
– FIXED: Price filter
Version 2.0.2 from 2023-07-03
– ADDED: Option to use original image width or custom width for product media zoom
– ADDED: Option to check by default checkbox ‘I agree to the store policies’
– ADDED: Option to show currency information to quickly differentiate the currency sign, e.g. $ USD, $ COP, $ CAD, etc
– IMPROVED: Header gets help popup
– IMPROVED: Currencies that use comma decimals
– IMPROVED: Google product structured data
– IMPROVED: Product images quality for the fullwidth store on the collection page
– CHANGED: Support icon in header settings popup
Version 2.0.1 from 2023-06-30
– ADDED: More sale ticker options
– ADDED: Header get help popup option to enable/disable
– ADDED: Custom mobile width for setting up when enabling 1 and 2 products cards per row
– ADDED: Ready aspect ratio presets for product images: portrait, landscape, square, and custom (default is square)
– IMPROVED: Product price output
– IMPROVED: Collection layout
– IMPROVED: Collection filter categories – added active status
– IMPROVED: Banners link
– FIXED: 3rd level in the navigation of section ‘Categories tree + slider’
Version 2.0.0 from 2023-06-25
– ADDED: Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews app compatibility
– ADDED: Self-hosted video section autoplay option
– ADDED: Auto-selecting header settings icons
– ADDED: Option to hide informative boxes icon+text in the bottom ‘sticky add to cart on product page
– ADDED: Option to set transparent product images in product cards
– ADDED: Readmore buttons to all image + text sections
– ADDED: Option enable/disable pjpg optimization for product images
– ADDED: Latvian language support
– ADDED: App Appstle℠ Loyalty & Rewards overlaps buttons theme style compatibility
– ADDED: Auto mute in the video sections – Autoplaying videos only work if they are muted
– ADDED: New header widget with contact information
– ADDED: New settings for product cards
– ADDED: Static shipping information in the header cart (if your country does not support Shopify shipping carriers)
– ADDED: New categories sections – carousels
– ADDED: Option to disable sections animated appearance on scroll
– ADDED: Collection filter sidebar new block – categories (3 levels)
– IMPROVED: Sortable product custom html block
– IMPROVED: Megamenu boxed layout
– IMPROVED: Video section ‘shop now’ button on mobile
– IMPROVED: Canonical tags for Google Search Console
– IMPROVED: Removed hover effect on touch screens in mobile phone
– IMPROVED: Announcement bar sliding if a single announcement only
– IMPROVED: Vendors limit in the megamenu dropdown – layout Boxed
– FIXED: ‘Add a note’ localization
Version 1.2.9 from 2023-05-25
– ADDED: Video section option to show linked button
– ADDED: Electronics slider autoplay
– ADDED: Megamenu collection links quick view
– ADDED: Sortable product page block ‘Custom HTML’ with global static content and dynamic source support
– ADDED: Sortable product block ‘Icons Info’
– ADDED: Option to show linked button on video sections
– ADDED: Show/Hide title option in sortable product block ‘Short description’
– IMPROVED: Single product section
– IMPROVED: Color swatches
– FIXED: Pinterest icon in social media
Version 1.2.8 from 2023-05-19
– FIXED: Theme Styles / Skin presets and Typography presets import
Version 1.2.7 from 2023-05-18
– ADDED: 3 layouts for prev next products
– ADDED: Options to show the main product in frequently bought together products module
– ADDED: Header 1st level navigation desktop/mobile font-size options
– ADDED: SEO h1-h2 sections with only heading
– IMPROVED: Product availability status
– IMPROVED: Quick view on mobile
– IMPROVED: Global products aspect ratio
– IMPROVED: Product variant swatches
– UPDATED: Documentation offline and online
– FIXED: FBT list layout truncating titles
Version 1.2.6 from 2023-05-16
– ADDED: Limiting posts count in blog posts sections
– ADDED: Option to use original youtube, Vimeo, and HTML video players without cover images
– ADDED: Header cart items inventory notifications
– ADDED: 3-5 columns options for boxed layout in megamenu
– ADDED: Advanced product availability information
– ADDED: Option to use default youtube and Vimeo and browser players without a cover image
– IMPROVED: Variant’s picker
Version 1.2.5 from 2023-05-10
– ADDED: Option to show sale badge and sale ticker globally and individually per product
– IMPROVED: Wishlist and Recently Viewed Products
– IMPROVED: Disabling add to cart in the product cart
Version 1.2.4 from 2023-05-09
– IMPROVED: Product swatches tooltip (now is shown only on image swatches hover)
– IMPROVED: Rte content
– IMPROVED: Product swatches tooltip
– IMPROVED: Faq modern layout
– IMPROVED: Product card when add to cart button is disabled
– ADDED: Mobile header burger alignment (left and right)
– ADDED: Option ‘Hide add to cart button on the product page
– ADDED: Different apps compatibility
– FIXED: Theme Styles
– FIXED: Memory overflow due to script countdown
Version 1.2.2 from 2023-05-03
– IMPROVED: Option hide quantity on product page
– IMPROVED: Option “Hide out of stock items” on the collection page search popup
– IMPROVED: Enable / Disable filtering on the product page
– IMPROVED: Horizontal product card, if add to cart button, is disabled
– IMPROVED: Section heading if the layout is ‘left’ alignment
– ADDED: Reward app compatibility and others
– ADDED: Products grid sections with center alignment
Version 1.2.1 from 2023-05-02
– ADDED: Sections heading font size option
– ADDED: Options to hide quantity in the product card
– ADDED: Product page hide quantity option
– IMPROVED: Search popup product placeholders
– IMPROVED: Recently purchased products popup
– FIXED: Section products grid ‘Per row’ option
– FIXED: Horizontal product card cover mode
Version 1.2.0 from 2023-05-01
– ADDED: Shopify apps jQuery noConflict
– ADDED: Text + image section reverse option
– IMPROVED: Shipping calculator
– IMPROVED: Product card image quality on the screens with DPI 1.0
– IMPROVED: Google Fonts
– IMPROVED: Login popup animation
– IMPROVED: Richeditor content
– IMPROVED: Typography options and theme style presets
– UPDATED: Header-5 layout navigation 1st level uppercase for fixed mode
Version 1.1.9 from 2023-04-29
– ADDED: Self-hosted video in a slideshow
– ADDED: Section Video Self-Hosted
– ADDED: Theme Styles for badge ticker (in product cards)
– ADDED: Theme Styles for section ticker
– ADDED: Hide out-of-stock products option in the main section of the collection page
– IMPROVED: Announcement bar
– IMPROVED: Product reviews apps sync
– IMPROVED: Product card cover enable/disable option
– IMPROVED: Product card aspect ratio settings
Version 1.1.8 from 2023-04-25
– ADDED: Option disable min height for quick shop popup
– ADDED: Option to select the custom icon for header settings block
– ADDED: Product Cards Sale Ticker
– ADDED: Section Ticker
– IMPROVED: Rivyo Product Reviews & QA app compatibility
Version 1.1.7 from 2023-04-23
– IMPROVED: Catalog mode
– IMPROVED: Product compare at price
– ADDED: Option to hide some filter options from the collection filter sidebar
– FIXED: Collection price filter
Version 1.1.6 from 2023-04-22
– Fixed Bags and Toys skin import
Version 1.1.5 from 2023-04-22
– Minor changes to slideshow presets
Version 1.1.4 from 2023-04-21
– ADDED: Newsletter popup animation
– ADDED: Rivyo Product Reviews & QA app compatibility
– IMPROVED: Product buy now button layout
– IMPROVED: Quick search tags in search popup enabling/disabling
– FIXED: Single(Featured) product sections
– FIXED: Mobile bottom sticky on product page
Version 1.1.3 from 2023-04-20
– FIXED: Logo in header layout 2,3,4,5,6
Version 1.1.2 from 2023-04-19
– FIXED: Product main tab description
Version 1.1.1 from 2023-04-19
– ADDED: Copyright edit moved from file to theme settings
– ADDED: Slideshow button link target=”_blank” option
– ADDED: Announcement-bar section target=”_blank” option for links
– IMPROVED: Mobile optimization for carousel with tabs
– IMPROVED: Mobile optimization for carousel with tabs
– IMPROVED: Products grid center alignment by default
– FIXED: Wishlist prompt in the header cart when wishlist disabled
– FIXED: Slideshow button custom text
Version 1.1.0 from 2023-04-18
– ADDED: Pickup enable/disable option
– ADDED: Search popup option to disable start product carousel
– ADDED: Logo desktop/mobile width option
– IMPROVED: Slideshow autoplay control
– FIXED: Sticky header login icon when Accounts are disabled in Shopify globally
– FIXED: Wishlist disabling
Version 1.0.9 from 2023-04-14
– Minor rtl improvement for slider autoplay control
Version 1.0.8 from 2023-04-14
– ADDED: Category filter in megamenu catalog popup
– ADDED: Banners slider autoplay
– ADDED: Option sticky header always visible
– ADDED: Collection products grid fullwidth option
– Minor improvements
Version 1.0.6 from 2023-04-11
– ADDED: Header cart reservation
– ADDED: Option to show at once checkout button in mobile header cart
– ADDED: Fixed bottom button in mobile catalog popup
– IMPROVED: Mobile header cart
Version 1.0.5 from 2023-04-09
– IMPROVED: Shopify Inbox app compatibility
Version 1.0.4 from 2023-04-07
– ADDED: 3rd part Apps blocks placement option on the product page
– FIXED: APP sections width
– FIXED: Theme verification on the ‘Coming soon page’
– ADDED: Categories section option auto equal height for cards
– FIXED: language and country selectors were visible on mobile even if they were disabled globally
– ADDED: Option to disable button ‘Categories’ in ‘Header 2’ layout
– ADDED: app compatibility
– ADDED: Inbox app compatibility
– ADDED: Other app compatibilities
– IMPROVED: Quick View media gallery
– FIXED: Minor issues
Version 1.0.3 from 2023-04-04
– IMPROVED: Shipping calculator form
– ADDED: Settings drawer enable disable option
– ADDED: Limit for infinite related products on the product page
– FIXED: Product custom tab metafield with HTML content
– FIXED: Price in header cart
– UPDATED: Extended Instagram token api token for a longer time for theme demonstration of Instagram widget
Version 1.0.2 from 2023-04-01
– IMPROVED: Gray product page main image background was replaced with white by default
Version 1.0.1 from 2023-04-01
– FIXED: Product card old price format
– FIXED: Product page 404
Version 1.0.0 from 2023-03-30
– Release
* Images from demo are not included in theme files.

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